
***Breaking News ! Settle Primary School Phonics Standards are Nationally recognised!***

It is always nice to have the hard work of our staff and children recognised.

Yesterday we celebrated our Science standards. Today Mr Wright received this letter from Damian Hinds MP , Minister for Schools, congratulating Settle Primary on its outstanding achievement in the 2023 Phonics Screening Check.

With a 96% per cent pass rate in Year 1 phonics our school is in the top 4 per cent of all primary schools in the country.

A big well done to our Year One team, Mrs King, Mrs Downham and Mrs Horsfall. Our thanks to our literacy lead Miss Wright and to the excellent foundational underpinning provided by our early years team of teachers and support staff and key stage one intervention lead Mrs Carpenter.

In the previous year the school also achieved results in phonics that were significantly higher than those achieved nationally and regionally. We are proud of all who contributed to these impressive results.

Keep up the good work everyone and a big well done to the ones that really matter - our hard working children!

Well done team Settle 👏👏👏👏